TDUG meeting Thursday, May 31st

Speaker: Alfred Ayache

Web development, especially on the server side, is becoming more common in Delphi. In an effort to expand our horizons and give some important perspective, we’re going to hear from someone about web development independent of Delphi.

Here are the speaker’s comments:

Modern Javascript and Its Tooling
Alfred Ayache, former president of TDUG, will give a brief recap of his developer’s journey since Delphi, and explore his current tools and workflow. 
He’ll cover:
  • basic Javascript and its environments, 
  • ES6, 
  • Node and npm, 
  • Babel, 
  • ESLint,
  • Prettier,
  • VS Code,
  • the major modern frameworks (Angular, React, Vue), 
  • task runners (Grunt, Gulp, Webpack),
  • and demonstrate Create React App (a CRA you can love),
  • resources, free and otherwise, to help you come up to speed (or “level up” as the kids call it nowadays).
Expect ribald tales of developer excesses from a crusty curmudgeon who’s seen it all, and done most of it.
Everyone will go home with a FREE, unlimited copy of ES6.


Thursday, May 31st, 2018
Fairview Library – 35 Fairview Mall Dr, North York – Room 4
6:00PM to 8:00PM

About the location: The Fairview Library is on the north side of the Fairview Mall. Subway service is available and parking at the mall is free.

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