CodeRage is five full days of 100% online technical sessions focused on software development and data management issues which you can attend from wherever you like to log in. It’s bringing you top industry speakers, technologists, and industry practitioners to present on a wide variety of developer topics, a raging confluence of conveniently-delivered information you can’t get anywhere else. And it’s FREE!
CodeRage 5 includes sessions covering Embarcadero products such as C++Builder® XE, Delphi ® XE, RadPHP XE, Delphi Prism XE, InterBase® SMP and RAD Studio XE. You’ll even find some sessions on our award winning database products included in the All-Access XE suite as well!
Here’s what you’ll get from CodeRage:
- More than 50 FREE technical sessions led by industry and Embarcadero product experts
- An interactive chat area to converse with other software development professionals around the globe, working hard on the same technologies you do!
- Gain knowledge about optimizing your use of the world’s leading software development and database management tools from Embarcadero Technologies.
- Boost your development skills by learning from your peers on their best tips, tricks and processes for software development.
- Visit the virtual exhibit hall – see all the new HOT products out there
It’s easy to register! Simply click the button below to sign up for any or ALL of the education and training session days.
There’s so much you have to know, so much you have to do, and you’re constantly being challenged to keep up with less – less time, less money, less training, and even less staff. CodeRage strips away the marketing and serves up meaty, real-world technical sessions designed to provide you with information you can put to work immediately in your environment. Plus, CodeRage delivers it to you in the most efficient manner possible – online. Attend the live sessions and interact with session leaders and your peers, or if you miss a session, you can return any time for a video replay version at your convenience.